Putin's message to the West: Rematch or compromise?
Prof. Dr. Elnur Ismayıl / Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty Member
After Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, the aim of the Western world, led by the United States, was to somehow isolate not only Russia but also Russian President Putin from the world agenda. For nearly two years, the Western powers could be considered to have succeeded in this endeavor, until the visit to Moscow of Tucker Carlson, a far-right journalist known to be close to US President Trump. Carlson's interview with Putin was one of the events that influenced the international agenda. Western leaders believe that Putin's propagandistic views could be negative for the policy of isolating Russia.
To read more: https://www.yenisafak.com/dusunce-gunlugu/putinin-batiya-mesaji-rovans-mi-taviz-mi-4602839