Prof. Dr. Elnur Ismayıl / Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty Member
After Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, the aim of the Western world, led by the United States, w
European Region
Prof. Dr. Elnur Ismayıl / Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty Member
After Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, the aim of the Western world, led by the United States, w
Özgür Ünal-ERİS
Prof., İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi
Turkish Foreign Policy in a Changing World - Former Diplomat & Consul General, Foreign Policy Analyst GULRU GEZER
October 2022 marked the sad, two-year anniversary of the wanton missile attacks by Armenia against peaceful Azerbaijani cities during the 44-day Karabakh War in 2020, with Ganja city and Barda bein
After the end of the Second World War Türkiye became embedded to the Euro-Atlantic institutions. It
joined the Council of Europe, fought in Korea and became a member of NATO where it pl
Turkey’s multi-dimensional, indeed, all azimuth foreign policy exercises of late have given rise to endless speculations and contradictions across the world and in particular in the West. It
#BİLGESAM TV`de, "Rusya-Ukrayna Krizi`nin Lojistik Sektörü ve Bölge Ülkelerine Etkileri" konusunda moderatörlüğünü Bilge İnsanlar Stratejik A
#BİLGESAM TV`de, "Rusya-Ukrayna Krizinde Nedenler ve Aktörler" konusunda moderatörlüğünü Bilge İnsanlar Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi Güney Kafkasya Araştır