Why Japan-Taiwan Security Talks Matter?
Why Japan-Taiwan Security Talks Matter?
Security talks between Japan's ruling party, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Taiwan's ruling party, The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) happened on 27 August 2021, was realized amid China’s increased activities in the Taiwan Strait, East and South China seas as well as being a first for the parties. There are two points worth noting here. The first is Japan's recently changed attitude towards Taiwan. The second is Taiwan's recent rapprochement with Japan within the framework of seeking support from major powers in the international system other than the USA. As it is known, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga visited Washington last April and had a meeting with United States President Joe Biden. During the meeting, both leaders emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Then, in July, two important developments took place in Japan regarding Taiwan. First, Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso stated that “if China invades Taiwan, Japan should defend the island” because it is perceived as a direct existential threat to Japan's security. The second important development is that Taiwan's security was mentioned for the first time in the Japan's Annual Defense Review report, which was published just after that. All this shows us that the US administration wants Japan to be more active in the Taiwan Strait and to develop its relations with Taiwan, and Japan sees this positively in terms of its national security.
Oktay Kucukdegirmenci graduated from Balikesir University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration in 2015. He completed his master's degree in the department of international relations at Atilim University in 2018. Kucukdegirmenci is continuing his doctorate studies in the Department of International Politics at Shandong University (China). Kucukdegirmenci, who carries out his studies on Chinese Foreign Policy, Japanese Foreign Policy, Sino-Japanese Relations and Sino-Russian Relations, speaks English (fluent) and Chinese (beginner level).